
Social Housing (Regulation) Act – Consumer Standards consultation

Oct 23, 2023

Over 50 people attended our webinars around the Consumer Standards consultation on the 2nd October, where we carried out interactive polls and discussions around the consultation questions and submitted a response to the Regulator of Social Housing on behalf of Four Million Homes.

In general, people felt like the new standards set out appropriate expectations of landlords, particularly the Safety and Quality Standard, and appreciated that the Regulator seemed genuinely committed to hearing and responding to tenants' experiences.

There were concerns about the cost implications of the changes and how these would be met; as well as a sense of having to wait and see whether all landlords could or would deliver on the new standards, with questions about how enforcement would be enacted and communicated for those landlords who didn't comply.

Communication was seen as a big issue to overcome, both inhouse and externally to tenants, and a lot of attendees expressed the importance of the language and expectations being unambiguous in the new Standards.

Thanks very much to everyone who participated and fed into the consultation. If you missed the webinar you can watch it back here.