Scrutinising your landlord’s performance
Scrutiny is a way for residents to examine decisions, policies and actions that affect their home in order to hold their landlords to account and improve services.
Scrutiny is a way for residents to examine decisions, policies and actions that affect their home in order to hold their landlords to account and improve services.
Scrutiny is a way for residents to examine decisions, policies and actions that affect their home in order to hold their landlords to account and improve services.
This webinar will look at how to get people involved: whether its about finding out and organising around a shared issue you're facing with your landlord, or about engaging more people in your resident group or association
This webinar will look at how to get people involved: whether its about finding out and organising around a shared issue you're facing with your landlord, or about engaging more people in your resident group or association
This webinar is aimed specifically at shared owners: your rights; what processes are available if those rights aren’t upheld; as well as what good practice looks like.
This webinar is aimed specifically at shared owners: your rights; what processes are available if those rights aren’t upheld; as well as what good practice looks like.
This webinar will look at how you can use information from the Tenant Satisfaction Measures to see how your landlord is performing.
This webinar will look at how you can use information from the Tenant Satisfaction Measures to see how your landlord is performing.